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The average salary for a Legal Secretary in U.S. is $56,330.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $56,330


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $27.08


What does a Legal Secretary earn?

On average, legal secretaries earn around $56,330 per year in the U.S. Legal secretaries provide administrative support to lawyers, helping to draft and manage legal documents, and ensuring timely completion of court appearances and filings. They may specialise in a particular area such as commercial or family law, or assist lawyers in a wide variety of legal documents.

How to earn more as a Legal Secretary

To become a Legal Secretary, you will need to have a combination of skills and qualifications, such as an understanding of the legal and secretarial systems, knowledge of office administration and computer software, and excellent written and verbal communication skills. You might also benefit from having any qualifications in business, legal studies, or office administration. For more opportunities, you can advance your career by learning new legal technologies, such as research and litigation support software systems. Other paths could include becoming a paralegal, legal manager, or even setting up your own legal practice.