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The average salary for a New Accounts Clerk in U.S. is $44,670.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $44,670


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $21.48


What does a New Accounts Clerk earn?

On average, new accounts clerks earn around $44,670 per year in the U.S. New accounts clerks primarily deal with administrative tasks such as processing payments, preparing invoices, managing records, and organising financial documents. A new accounts clerk is often the first point of contact for customers with accounts and must possess excellent customer service and organisational skills.

How to earn more as a New Accounts Clerk

To become a new accounts clerk, you will need qualifications in bookkeeping or accounting. Alternatively, you could go through an apprenticeship program. To expand your career prospects, you can enhance your knowledge by studying further or specialising in a certain area, such as invoicing or payrolls. You can also combine freelance work and longer-term contracts to increase your income. If you're feeling entrepreneurial, you could even set up your own accountancy business.