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The average salary for a Production Clerk in U.S. is $57,610.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $57,610


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $27.70


What does a Production Clerk earn?

On average, production clerks earn around $57,610 per year in the U.S. Production clerks are responsible for overseeing the production process from start to finish with tasks including ordering and storing materials, scheduling, and compiling performance reports. As part of the role, a production clerk may also be required to liaise with other departments to ensure operations run smoothly.

How to earn more as a Production Clerk

If you'd like to become a Production Clerk, you will typically need a degree or diploma in fields such as Business Administration or Supply Chain Management. You can also access on-the-job training and work experience within the industry. To earn more as a Production Clerk, consider specialising in areas such as Quality Management or Inventory Control, or seeking out a managerial position. If desired, you can also opt to become self-employed or establish your own Production Clerk business.