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The average salary for a Pump Operator in U.S. is $58,650.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $58,650


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $28.20


What does a Pump Operator earn?

On average, pump operators earn around $58,650 per year in the U.S. Pump operators are responsible for the safe, efficient operation of pumping systems. They may also be tasked with conducting routine tests and maintenance on various types of pumping equipment. There are various specialisations within the role, such as monitoring and interpreting data on process perofrmance, maintaining product quality, or troubleshooting complex technical problems.

How to earn more as a Pump Operator

To become a Pump Operator, you will need a Certificate in Pump Operations or related field. You may also be able to gain the same level of skill and expertise through on the job training. To boost your career prospects, you can move into a supervisory role, or specialise in a certain area, such as Peripheral Vascular System Operation. If that's not an option, you could even become self-employed, or look into setting up your own Pump Operation business.