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The average salary for a Wellhead Pumper in U.S. is $69,930.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $69,930


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $33.62


What does a Wellhead Pumper earn?

Wellhead Pumpers typically earn around $69,930 per year in the US. Their job entails maintenance, operation and repair of oil extraction wells, and they often deal with varied and demanding physical conditions. As well as providing service at the wellhead sites, some Wellhead Pumpers move between wells to provide extra support where needed. With experience and extra training, some Wellhead Pumpers may also specialise in particular areas such as hydraulic fracturing and deep sea drilling.

How to earn more as a Wellhead Pumper

"To become a wellhead pumper, you'll need a combination of technical training and on-the-job experience. You can get specialized education from a trade school or a technical institute, and employers may offer on-site training programs. To increase your earnings as a pumper, you can move into managerial roles, such as a supervisor or operations manager, or you can become a consultant and offer your services to multiple clients. Additionally, you could consider striking out on your own and starting your own pumping business."