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The average salary for a Court Reporter in U.S. is $71,040.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $71,040


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $34.15


What does a Court Reporter earn?

On average, court reporters earn around $71,040 per year in the U.S.. Court reporters typically serve as official witnesses to judicial hearings, depositions and other legal proceedings by taking dictations of spoken testimony that can then be transcribed and used as legal documents. Court reporters may also specialise in Closed Captioning, which is the same skill that is used for live TV broadcasts.

How to earn more as a Court Reporter

To become a court reporter, you will need to complete specialized training in transcription, shorthand, and other legal professions. Alternatively, you can take a degree in legal studies or even pursue a court reporting certificate. To increase earning potential you can move into a specialized area, like legal transcription, work as a freelance court reporter, sign up to work with a recognizable court reporting business, or even open your own court reporting firm.