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The average salary for a Telemarketer in U.S. is $36,680.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $36,680


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $17.64


What does a Telemarketer earn?

On average, telemarketers earn around $36,680 per year in the U.S.. Telemarketers are usually responsible for making phone calls to potential customers and helping them to understand the products and services the company provides. They must possess strong interpersonal skills and the ability to efficiently manage their call lists. A telemarketer can also choose to specialise in a particular area such as sales, customer service, or lead generation.

How to earn more as a Telemarketer

To become a telemarketer, you will need a degree in marketing, sales, and communication. Alternatively, you can gain experience through a variety of apprenticeships. To earn more as a telemarketer, it is worth pursuing specialisations in areas like B2B or tech sales. Additionally, you may wish to consider becoming a team leader in a telemarketing environment. Otherwise, you could shun traditional roles and become an independent contractor, offering freelancing services in the field of telemarketing.