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The average salary for a Financial Services Sales Agent in U.S. is $109,710.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $109,710


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $52.75


What does a Financial Services Sales Agent earn?

Financial Services Sales Agents typically earn an average of $109,710 annually in the United States. They work with various clientele and offer assistance in areas such as investments, insurance, banking, and retirement planning. Experts in this field may choose to specialise in particular areas such as management of portfolios, wealth management, and securities trading.

How to earn more as a Financial Services Sales Agent

If you want to become a Financial Services Sales Agent, you'll need to gain the relevant qualifications, such as a Level 3 diploma in Financial Services or similar. You may also undertake a degree apprenticeship. To increase your earnings, you might choose to focus on a specific area of financial services, through studying for additional qualifications, or explore roles such as team leader or a managerial role in a financial services business. You may even decide to become self-employed or establish your own financial services firm.