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The average salary for a Hydrologist in U.S. is $96,410.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $96,410


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $46.35


What does a Hydrologist earn?

On average, hydrologists earn around $96,410 per year in the U.S.. Hydrologists typically work with both public and private sector organisations on projects related to the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of water resources. They may also specialise in fields such as environmental compliance, hydrogeology and ecohydraulics.

How to earn more as a Hydrologist

To become a hydrologist, you will need a degree in hydrology, environmental sciences, or engineering. Alternatively, you can partake in a degree apprenticeship. To earn a higher salary as a hydrologist, you can delve into a specialised field, such as groundwater management, or take up a senior position in a related company. You could also work independently or establish your own hydrology firm.