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The average salary for an Atmospheric and Space Scientist in U.S. is $96,880.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $96,880


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $46.58


What does an Atmospheric and Space Scientist earn?

On average, Atmospheric and Space Scientists earn around $96,880 per year in the U.S.. These professionals might work on a variety of projects, including analysing air quality, researching weather patterns, and tracking the oceans' current. Atmospheric and Space Scientists can also choose to specialise in a particular area such as meteorology, climatology, or astronomy.

How to earn more as an Atmospheric and Space Scientist

To become an Atmospheric and Space Scientist, you should consider landing a degree in Atmospheric Science or another Aerospace Sciences-related degree. If you're looking for a more practical route, you could try going for a degree apprenticeship. To earn more as an Atmospheric and Space Scientist, you could opt for specializing in research, teaching, or team managing. Becoming self-employed, or even setting up your own firm dedicated to offering services in Atmospheric and Space Science, might also help you to boost your income.