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The average salary for a Speech-Language Pathologist in U.S. is $85,820.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $85,820


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $41.26


What does a Speech-Language Pathologist earn?

Speech-language pathologists typically earn about $85,820 per year in the U.S.. They work with clients ranging from infants to seniors and provide assistance in areas such as communication, augmentation, and swallowing disorders. A speech-language pathologist may specialise in certain areas such as paediatrics, neurology, or aural rehabilitation.

How to earn more as a Speech-Language Pathologist

If you are interested in becoming a Speech-Language Pathologist, you should consider getting a degree in Speech-Pathology, Linguistics, or Communication Disorders. Alternatively, you can enroll in a degree apprenticeship program. For further career growth, you could specialize in a specific type of diagnosis or therapy, or climb the ladder to a managerial role in a speech-language therapy company. You could also opt to become a private practitioner or open your own clinic.