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The average salary for a Dental Hygienist in U.S. is $89,890.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $89,890


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $43.21


What does a Dental Hygienist earn?

Dental Hygienists in the U.S. typically earn around $89,890 a year. Their job entails providing oral hygiene education to their patients as well as understanding the link between a person’s overall health and their oral health. Specialisations within dental hygiene include paediatric dentistry, periodontics and community health dental hygiene.

How to earn more as a Dental Hygienist

To become a dental hygienist, you will need a degree in dental hygiene or a related field. Alternatively, you can gain experience through a hospital-based or community-based dental clinic. To move up in the field and gain higher pay, you could become a specialist in a particular area, like pediatric dentistry or public health. You could also explore self-employment opportunities or establish your own dental hygiene practice.