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The average salary for an Audiologist in U.S. is $92,620.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $92,620


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $44.53


What does an Audiologist earn?

On average, audiologists earn around $92,620 per year in the U.S.. Audiologists provide services to those with hearing, balance and related ear problems. They assess the patient's hearing abilities, diagnose and treat hearing loss, provide rehabilitation and counselling services, identify underlying medical conditions and recommend appropriate medical treatments. Audiologists can specialise in fields such as geriatric audiology, paediatric audiology, or balance and dizziness.

How to earn more as an Audiologist

To become an Audiologist, you will need a degree in audiology, auditory science, or communication sciences. Additionally, you may be able to complete a degree apprenticeship. To earn more as an Audiologist, you could look into a specialisation such as pediatric audiology, auditory neuroscience, or vestibular testing. You may also seek to become a manager at an audiology business or become self-employed by running your own practice.