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The average salary for a Respiratory Therapist in U.S. is $68,190.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $68,190


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $32.78


What does a Respiratory Therapist earn?

On average, Respiratory Therapists earn around $68,190 per year in the U.S.. They work with patients of all ages and provide treatments and support with breathing problems. Respiratory Therapists can also choose to specialise in areas such as pediatrics, critical care, or pulmonary rehabilitation.

How to earn more as a Respiratory Therapist

To become a respiratory therapist, you will need to have completed an accredited educational program in the field. In addition, a number of states require that you have a valid license or certification to practice respiratory therapy. To earn more in this field, you can become a specialist in areas such as pediatrics and neonatal care, or move up to a managerial or leadership role. You can also consider self-employment options or opening up your own private practice.