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The average salary for a Radiologic Technician in U.S. is $66,490.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $66,490


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $31.97


What does a Radiologic Technician earn?

On average, radiologic technicians earn around $66,490 per year in the U.S. Radiologic technicians work in hospitals, medical centres and other health care settings performing diagnostic imaging examinations such as X-rays and CT scans. They also operate machines to take pictures of organs, bones, and tissues for diagnosing medical conditions. In addition, radiologic technicians can choose to specialise in a particular area such as magnetic resonance imaging or mammography.

How to earn more as a Radiologic Technician

To become a Radiologic Technician, you will need a degree in radiologic technology, healthcare studies, or a related field. Alternatively, you may take a radiologic technician certification exam. To earn more in this career, you could specialise in an area such as vascular technology or move into teaching at a university. You could also become self-employed or establish your own radiology clinic.