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The average salary for a Psychiatric Technician in U.S. is $38,000.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $38,000


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $18.27


What does a Psychiatric Technician earn?

Psychiatric Technicians typically earn an average of $38,000 each year in the U.S. They work in a variety of settings to support and monitor the health and well-being of mental health patients. Psychiatric Technicians may specialise in a particular area such as working with adolescents, providing crisis intervention services, or coordinating care between healthcare facilities.

How to earn more as a Psychiatric Technician

To become a Psychiatric Technician, you will need a qualification in mental health nursing, psychology, or social work. Alternatively, you can gain experience on the job via an apprenticeship. If you want to increase your earning potential, you can move into a specialised area, such as cognitive or rehabilitative therapy, or become a manager of a mental health facility. You can also become self-employed and set up your own practice.