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The average salary for a Business and Financial Operations in U.S. is $82,610.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $82,610


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $39.72


What does a Business and Financial Operations earn?

On average, Business and Financial operations professionals earn around $82,610 per year in the U.S. Business and financial operations specialists work in organisations of all sizes, offering their knowledge and expertise in areas such as budget analysis, financial management and data analytics. Professionals in this field may also choose to specialise in one particular area, such as taxation, risk management or corporate finance.

How to earn more as a Business and Financial Operations

To become a business or financial operations professional, you will need to obtain a degree in business administration, economics, information technology, or financial management. You could also pursue a degree apprenticeship. To advance in the field of business or financial operations, you could move into a specialized area, such as budget analysis or market analysis, or become a manager in the business sector. Becoming a consultant, or founding your own business operations or financial consulting firm, are also viable options.

Business and Financial Operations responsibilities

The Business and Financial Operations average annual salary is dependent on the responsibilities covered under the job title. The job title could be for senior-level jobs, such as Management Analyst, a medium-level position, such as Tax Preparer, or an entry-level role, such as Trainee Loan Officer.

Most careers working in financial operations occupations offer good average pay for completing responsibilities such as analyzing business and financial data and trends, accounting, preparing estimate chart reports, and approving loans and finance. Most roles require proficiency in using software applications and spreadsheets.

You will earn more than the national average hourly wage in leadership jobs and those denoted as specialist, analyst, or accountant.

Skills and education level

Higher education and qualifications are important factors affecting the money and wages you can expect to earn. Entry-level jobs in an occupation that needs a high school diploma might initially pay below our labor statistics salary values. The pay rate increases for employees with previous experience and higher education, such as an associate’s, bachelor’s or master’s degree.

If you do not possess a U.S. high school diploma, you can quantify your education level by taking the General Education Development Test (GED). You can take a GED test from within the USA or from 90 countries worldwide.

The top skills an organization may seek for financial operations occupations include numeracy, accuracy, detail-oriented, analytical, involved, and proficiency in handling and manipulating data.

What to expect from Business and Financial Operations careers

You can start your career as a trainee or junior Buyer and Purchasing Agent, Cost Estimator, Event Planner, Fundraiser, Logistician, or Tax Preparer. You will most likely be expected to work in an office environment, with your workload and tasks dictated by the business and financial operations of the company. Jobs in a small organization may cover many roles that are separate roles in larger companies.

Hours for jobs vary business-to-business but are usually during the typical working day. You may find jobs in financial operations occupations that can be partially or fully completed on a remote, work-from-home basis. The industry may also affect the value and wages of your job and may affect your career decisions.

Business and Financial Operations job title

There are plenty of job titles for financial operations occupations across many industries. Examples of financial operations occupations-related job titles include Credit Analyst, Compliance Officer, Insurance Appraiser, and Talent Agent.

You can search for financial operations occupations, vacancies and salaries on for positions including Project Management Specialist, Human Resources Specialist, Claims Adjuster, and Farm Labor Contractor.

Highest-paying locations for Business and Financial Operations jobs

The location of your business and financial operations job in America and the United States can significantly affect your pay and compensation. You can use our Salary Calculator to check the annual salary and hourly average salary for jobs in any location in America. We have salary and pay data for locations such as California, Indiana, Columbia, Missouri, Colorado, Virginia, and more.

You could consider relocating to improve your compensation. However, if you do not wish to relocate, this does not mean you cannot improve your pay. A short commute and working for a business in an inner city location will often mean access to better salaries. If you are interested in a job in a rural location or city, you can use our annual salary data to check if employers are offering a below, above or average salary.

Business and Financial Operations professional development

The business and financial operations salary for working professionals varies depending on the individual’s career level and experience in the field. Entry-level positions have the lowest pay, while fully qualified workers, senior staff, and management earn more. Graduates with relevant qualifications may command a higher starting salary. To increase your earning potential, consider taking training opportunities such as workshops or online courses. Our per-hour and annual salary data provide guidance on the wage range and earnings for junior, intermediate, and senior industry roles.

Business and Financial Operations work experience

Obtaining prior business and financial operations work experience in your chosen career path can significantly enhance your chances of getting hired and earning a competitive salary. Practical experiences such as internships, apprenticeships, shadowing, and vacation work can provide valuable skills and knowledge in the field. If it is not possible to find work experience directly for your prospective job, showcasing transferable skills gained from other experiences can also be beneficial to potential employers and demonstrate your experience level.

Business and Financial Operations working hours

Working hours for your business and financial operations job and career can have an impact on monthly pay and salaries. Companies of different sizes may offer higher overtime pay or additional compensation for working non-traditional hours, such as evenings, weekends, or holidays. The type of employment, such as part-time, full-time, permanent, temporary, or contract, can also affect the salary received and should be considered when evaluating compensation fairness.

Business and Financial Operations salary negotiations

To be well-prepared for business and financial operations salary negotiations with employers, it’s crucial to research and understand the typical salaries and other compensation factors, such as average bonus, for prospective positions. Use our salary comparison tool and perform searches for different job titles and locations to determine your worth.

Keep in mind that compensation is not only limited to financial benefits and performance-related commission, and consider other benefits such as the ability to work from home, additional paid vacation, gym membership, or private healthcare.

Annual salary, median salary, and taxes

When you review the median salary or annual salary for a business and financial operations role, it is vital to remember that you will pay taxes on salaries paid. When you receive your pay, you may be liable for various employment taxes, either deducted by your employer or required by self-payment. U.S. government taxes can include Federal Income Tax, Federal and State Unemployment Tax, Social Security and Medicare Tax, and Additional Medicare Taxes.

Business and Financial Operations job search

If you are seeking a better salary, start your business and financial operations job search today. You can search for jobs by job title and set up job alerts to get notified as soon as an employer posts their vacancy.