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The average salary for a Social and Community Service Manager in U.S. is $76,790.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $76,790


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $36.92


What does a Social and Community Service Manager earn?

Social and Community Service Managers typically earn an average salary of $76,790 per year in the U.S. They often work with clients ranging from neighbourhood institutions, local organisations to national and international bodies, providing assistance in connecting communities with beneficial social services. A Social and Community Service Manager can choose to specialise in a particular area, such as development and health or fieldwork and advocacy.

How to earn more as a Social and Community Service Manager

If you want to become a Social and Community Service Manager, you will need a degree in public administration, healthcare, social work, or a related field. Alternatively, you can go through a degree apprenticeship. To earn more as a Social and Community Service Manager, you could move into a specialised area such as public policy and advocacy, or gain a managerial role in a healthcare organisation. You could also become self-employed or set up your own non-profit organisation.