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The average salary for a Management in U.S. is $123,370.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $123,370

Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $59.31

What does a Management earn?

On average, management professionals earn around $123,370 per year in the U.S. The role is varied and there are numerous specialisations that a person may take on such as human resources, operations, project management, or finance. A manager is responsible for supervising and overseeing the activities of staff within an organisation from planning to execution of day-to-day operations.

How to earn more as a Management

To become a manager, you will need a degree in management, business or a related field. An alternative route is to complete a degree apprenticeship. To advance your management career, you could specialise in a certain area such as human resources, finance or project management. You could also consider becoming self-employed and running your own business.

Management responsibilities

The average management salary and average total compensation will depend on many factors, including whether you work in one of the highest-salary states, industry knowledge, and the responsibilities of the job title. The Manager job title could be for a junior or senior manager position, such as Project Manager, General Manager, Operations Manager, Director, Chief Executive, or Training and Development Manager.

Most careers offering an average Manager salary will see you responsible for overseeing business processes, developing new business processes, choosing company information technology solutions, and analyzing data. Your responsibilities may include hiring employees, ensuring legal compliance, assessing employees, providing team strategy and direction, presenting reports, ensuring the team or group makes a profit and setting and managing budgets.

Skills and education level

Education level will also affect the pay of Managers. An organization will expect you to have a high school diploma for junior-level management jobs. You should be paid higher Manager salaries and compensation if you work for employers requesting a bachelor's degree, master’s degree, or other certifications, such as those needed to be a Project Manager.

Employers typically ask for a U.S. high school diploma. If you do not have yours, you can take the General Education Development Test (GED) to show you have the same level of knowledge and education as a high school graduate. The GED test is available in the United States and 90 other countries around the world.

To get the best Manager salaries, you need top skills on your resume for positions such as Program Managers, Sales, Managers, and Marketing Managers. The top Manager salaries go to those who can show leadership, motivation, strategic thinking, problem-solving, performance management, organization, Reporting, Support, and Implementation.

What to expect from Management careers

You can start your management career as a junior Department Manager with a salary below the national average. Graduate-level jobs are also available, with the average salary reflecting the education attained. You could work in any industry and so your work environment, workload, and variety of tasks may be in stark contrast to other Department, Team, and Project Managers. Smaller companies often prefer Managers who have broader knowledge and are able to complete a wide variety of tasks. Larger companies and offices may seek Managers with industry knowledge, focusing on one or two core business elements, responsibilities, or duties.

While hours may vary across industries, many Managers would expect to work set hours. However, remote and work-from-home technologies have radically changed how work is performed, offering greater freedom and flexibility.

You will be expected to be adaptable and efficient, handle confidential data, and follow company policies, guidelines, and state or U.S. regulations. A typical workday often follows a routine, but utilizing your skills and taking initiative is necessary to manage unexpected situations, such as busy times or sudden projects and tasks.

Management job title

There are numerous job titles within management. Examples of management-related job titles include Public Relations Manager, Real Estate Manager, Legislator, and Administrative Services Manager. Specialized roles requiring industry knowledge and a more significant experience level command higher salaries and pay.

You can search for management vacancies and salaries on for positions including Advertising and Promotions Manager, General and Operations Manager, Purchasing Manager, and more.

Highest-paying locations for Management jobs

The location of your management job in the US can greatly impact your pay and benefits. You can use our Salary Calculator to find the annual and hourly average salary for jobs in any location. We have salary data for states such as California, Colorado, New York, San Francisco, Virginia, and more. Relocating may improve your compensation, but you can also negotiate for better pay without moving. Urban areas and short commutes often come with higher salaries. Compare salaries for rural and urban locations using our data to determine if you are being offered below, above, or average pay.

Management professional development

The salary for management professionals varies depending on the individual’s career level and experience in the field. Entry-level positions have the lowest pay, while fully qualified workers, senior staff, and management earn more. Graduates with relevant qualifications may command a higher starting salary. To increase your earning potential, consider taking training opportunities such as workshops or online courses. Our per-hour and annual salary data provide guidance on the wage range and earnings for junior, intermediate, and senior industry roles.

Management work experience

Having prior management work experience in your desired field can greatly boost your chances of getting hired and earning a competitive salary. Practical experiences such as internships, apprenticeships, shadowing, and vacation work can give you valuable skills and knowledge in the field. Even if you cannot find directly related work experience, showcasing transferable skills gained from other experiences can also be appealing to potential employers and demonstrate your level of experience.

Management working hours

Working hours can affect monthly pay and salary. Companies may offer higher pay for overtime or non-traditional hours. The type of employment, such as full-time or part-time, can also impact salary. These factors should be considered when evaluating compensation fairness.

Management salary negotiations

To successfully negotiate your management salary, research typical salaries and compensation for the positions you’re interested in. Utilize salary comparison tools to determine your worth. Remember that compensation includes more than just financial benefits and consider other perks such as remote work options, extra vacation time, gym memberships, and healthcare benefits.

Annual salary, median salary, and taxes

It’s important to keep in mind that taxes will be taken out of your salary when reviewing median or annual salary for a role. You may be responsible for paying various employment taxes such as Federal Income Tax, Federal and State Unemployment Tax, Social Security, Medicare Tax, and Additional Medicare Taxes, which may be deducted by your employer or required to be self-paid.

Management Job search

If you are seeking a better salary, start your management job search today. You can search for jobs by job title and set up job alerts to get notified as soon as an employer posts their vacancy.