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The average salary for a Paperhanger in U.S. is $54,020.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $54,020


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $25.97


What does a Paperhanger earn?

On average, paperhangers earn around $54,020 per year in the U.S.. Paperhangers work with clients to install, hang or remove wallpaper and other surface coverings. They may also complete other decorative projects such as wallpapering, layering and wall murals. A paperhanger can choose to specialise in a particular area such as commercial pinstriping, gold leaf gilding, or vinyl wall covering.

How to earn more as a Paperhanger

To become a paperhanger, you will need to have experience in sheetrocking, painting or wallpapering. Alternatively, you can attend courses or classes in order to gain a recognised qualification. If you would like to earn more as a paperhanger, you could move into a specialised area, such as traditional marbling, or become a manager within the trade. You could also become self-employed, offering paperhanging services to commercial and residential clients.