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The average salary for an Oil and Gas Service Unit Operator in U.S. is $59,390.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $59,390


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $28.55


What does an Oil and Gas Service Unit Operator earn?

Oil and Gas Service Unit Operators typically earn around $59,390 a year in the U.S. The role involves working with both upstream and downstream companies in the oil and gas industry, managing the equipment they use to pump, measure, store, transport and manipulate crude oil, natural gas, and other petroleum products. Service Unit Operators are required to complete the delivery of services, oversee safety equipment, maintain production standards and ensure regulatory compliance.

How to earn more as an Oil and Gas Service Unit Operator

To become an Oil and Gas Service Unit Operator, you will need to acquire a relevant qualification, have industry experience, or receive a certificate from an accredited institute. You can also take on an apprenticeship program to gain specialist technical and engineering skills. For those keen to boost their earning potential, you can join a professional organisation and work towards a higher-level qualification. There may also be opportunities to work overseas or secure a senior position in a larger company. Otherwise, you can consider joining a cooperative or becoming self-employed.