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The average salary for a Painter in U.S. is $52,110.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $52,110


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $25.05


What does a Painter earn?

On average, painters earn around $52,110 per year in the U.S. Painters typically have a good understanding of color and composition, as well as various painting techniques such as brushwork and stencilling. Painters can choose to specialise in a particular medium, such as oil and acrylic, or a particular style, such as abstract and traditional.

How to earn more as a Painter

To become a painter, you'll need to hone your artistic ability and develop your own style. To do this, you could gain an art degree or pursue an apprenticeship. To distinguish yourself in the profession, you could specialize in a certain type of painting, such as abstract paintings or landscape murals. You can also expand your career by becoming a gallery manager or owning your own art studio.