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The average salary for a Curator in U.S. is $70,870.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $70,870


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $34.07


What does a Curator earn?

On average, curators earn around $70,870 per year in the U.S. Curators work with a range of collections, from everyday objects to rare archives, and are responsible for preserving, maintaining, and researching these collections. They often identify and acquire new items, while fitting them into the existing narrative. Curators can specialise in a variety of fields such as library science, archive management, or museum studies.

How to earn more as a Curator

To become a Curator, you will need to have a degree or postgraduate qualification in a subject such as Art history, Museum studies, Archaeology, Anthropology, or a related field. You can also take up apprenticeships and on-the-job training to get into this field. To progress your career further, you can develop your specialised knowledge in a certain area, network with higher-level curators, become involved in research projects, or work in the heritage sector. You could also set up your own organisation or become a freelance Curator.