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The average salary for a Janitor in U.S. is $36,250.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $36,250


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $17.43


What does a Janitor earn?

Janitors are typically paid an average salary of $36,250 annually in the U.S. Their job duties involve cleaning and maintaining the premises of various organisations, such as offices, gyms, or schools. The job also requires janitors to perform minor repairs and to stock rooms with necessary materials and supplies. Janitors can focus on specific fields, such as window washing and landscaping.

How to earn more as a Janitor

To become a janitor, you will need to complete on-the-job training. Alternatively, you might look into internship programs. If you're looking to move up in the janitorial profession, you could look into specialising in fields like sanitation engineering or facility management. You could also become self-employed and take on janitorial contracts.