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The average salary for a Print Binding Worker in U.S. is $37,060.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $37,060


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $17.82


What does a Print Binding Worker earn?

On average, Print Binding Workers earn around $37,060 per year in the U.S.. Print Binding Workers work in factories to prepare and finish printed materials. They may use skills such as cutting, folding and stitching by hand in order to bind books, magazines and other materials. They can also specialise in a certain aspect of binding such as machine operator or perfect binder.

How to earn more as a Print Binding Worker

To become a print binding worker, you will need to have some technical knowledge and experience in the field. You could obtain this by attending a college course, or by working as a trainee with a company. To increase your earning potential as a print binding worker, you can increase your skillset by learning new techniques and become experienced in different types of binding. You may also consider taking on freelance work or starting your own print binding business.