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The average salary for a Rail Car Repairer in U.S. is $65,690.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $65,690


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $31.58


What does a Rail Car Repairer earn?

On average, rail car repairers earn around $65,690 per year in the U.S.. Rail car repairers are responsible for repairing and maintaining the cars used for freight and passenger trains. They must have a knowledge of railway operations, engineering specifications and safety regulations. Rail car repairers may choose to specialise in a particular area such as overhauls, inspections, or maintenance operations.

How to earn more as a Rail Car Repairer

To become a Rail Car Repairer, you should enrol in a college program or on-the-job training program. You can also get certifications from the government or private vendors. To further your career, you could become a supervisor or join a specialized field such as Railroad Equipment Maintenance. You may also become self-employed and start your own repair service.