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The average salary for a Physical Therapist Assistant in U.S. is $65,860.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $65,860


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $31.66


What does a Physical Therapist Assistant earn?

On average, physical therapist assistants earn around $65,860 per year in the U.S.. Physical therapist assistants work alongside physical therapists to provide patient care to those with impairments, disabilities, and injuries that limit their mobility. Physical therapist assistants can help with physical therapy sessions, teach patients therapeutic exercises and assist with daily living activities. They may also monitor patients for any changes in condition and document treatments.

How to earn more as a Physical Therapist Assistant

To become a Physical Therapist Assistant, you will need to have an associate's degree or diploma in physical therapy from an accredited education program. You could also look for job training opportunities with a mentor physical therapist or health care system. To earn more, you could specialize in a certain area such as sports medicine or manual therapy. You could also take on more administrative responsibilities in the office or move into teaching, consulting, or research.