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The average salary for a Software Developer in U.S. is $138,110.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $138,110


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $66.40


What does a Software Developer earn?

Software developers are highly sought after in the tech industry and typically make an average salary of $138,110 per year in the United States. They work to design, develop and maintain computer software systems, including applications and networks. Developers may choose to specialise in anything from artificial intelligence to mobile application development, making them a keystone in the modern technological landscape.

How to earn more as a Software Developer

To become a software developer, you will need to have an IT, computer science or software engineering qualification. You can also look into joining a degree apprenticeship scheme. To increase your earning potential as a software developer, you could focus on a specific area of software development, such as mobile application development, or look for a management role in a software development business. You could also explore the option of freelancing or setting up your own software development company.